Our Partnership with the
Rainforest Foundation US
We are honored to be partnered with the
largest and most respected NGO working on
rights-based forest protection worldwide. The
Rainforest Foundation US has protected 29
million acres of Amazon Rainforest.

The Amazon
the world's climate.
The Amazon absorbs a quarter of the World's CO2.
1.4 billion
metic tons of carbon dioxide every year.
The Amazon contains
the world's plant and animal species
The Amazon is home to
Indigenous peoples. Their lands contain nearly half of the Amazon's intact forests.
The Amazon stores over
of the Earth's rainwater, without which, drought would bring widespread famine and disease
of our modern medicines originate from tropical forest plants. To date, we have only learned how to use 1% of these amazing plants
The Amazon is home to an amazing
of the world's terrestrial biodiversity